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Tuesday 30 July 2013

My first tomato & cherry tomato are bearing fruit~

At first I thought this 2 I planted from seed is cherry tomato, but now one of them seems to be like normal type~

My first homemade banana flavor Gelato~ Ice cream made with pure fruit without any preservative or sugar added~

GELATO = less fat + no air added = rich cremier taste

How to make simple homemade Fruit Gelato (Very very simple steps needed):
1. Freeze your fruit in freezer. (Chopped them smaller, nicely n equally b4 freezing them. Any fruit can be used. I use only banana here for a creamier taste. You may add in some frozen pineapple, strawberry, grape, apple depends what you want it to be. This is my first try.)

2. Prepare your blending machine. (Normal one is good enough bt make sure it can be used for blending ice as well.)

3. Take out your fruit n blend them immediately. Serve immediately for optimum taste. Enjoy!

Friday 26 July 2013

How to create a good, moisture environment for carnivorous plant~

首先在这之前我有读到各位大大分享各种各样提高环境湿度的方法,如在盆上套上塑料带(既麻烦又不美观,大多用于扦插繁殖或驯养植物时用),腰水(但只适合 某些食虫植物如捕蝇草等),或隔空在盆底下放一盆水(但我想在大马炎热的天气下放盆水不是等于在养蚊子吗?),(养多一些植物一起)放在隐秘处(风流动较少的地方如阳台,间接提高环境湿度)等等。。。但如果不想麻烦套上塑料袋,放盆水滋生蚊子或是养猪的地点风一直吹个不停又没地方或不想换地方养,又不想拿块东西挡风(不美观+不方便),又没那么多的植物(中毒尚浅)的话,我自己终于想到了一个折衷又简单的方法,那就是。。。

First of all, I have read some articles that how to create a moisture environment that suitable for carnivorous plant, like by covering a layer of plastic bag on top of the plant(not an easy way yet troublesome, suitable only for propagation or , tray method (only suitable for some cp like dionaea), or putting tray of water under the plant without single contact (but what if caught by M.P.P.P. sued for helping propagation of the mosquito?), or even put them (plant a lot of cp) at place that less of wind flow, to boost moisture instantly... But what if I don't want get something troublesome, assisting propagation of mosquito, change or can't even change to a place that build high humidity, or do something troublesome like blocking the wind flow with some board... (No offence for people doing that, go ahead if you like it :) )

Finally, I found a simple n good efficient solution, that is...

Thursday 25 July 2013

What is NPK labeled in the fertilizer?

Firstly, fertilizer is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) that is added to a soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants.

Fertilizers typically provide, in varying proportions:
  • 6 Macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S)
  • 8 Micronutrients: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni)

Only three other macronutrients are required by all plants: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These nutrients are supplied by water (through rainfall or irrigation) and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

NPK rating (or N-P-K) is used to label fertilizer based on the relative content of the chemical elements nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) that are commonly used in fertilizers. The N value is the percentage of elemental nitrogen by weight in the fertilizer. The values for P and K represent the amount of oxide in the form of P2O5 and K2O that would be present in the fertilizer if all the elemental phosphorus and potassium were oxidized into these forms.

The three elements promote plant growth in three different ways. In simple terms, these are:
  • N – nitrogen: promotes the growth of leaves and vegetation
  • P – phosphorus: promotes root and shoot growth
  • K – potassium: promotes flowering and fruiting

*An easier way to remember what's NPK for~ Or just rmb KNP~ :)

Friday 19 July 2013

N. Albomarginata

Nepenthes Albomarginata var rubra in 2 version (one is full red one is only red in cup)

The damn mouse is in hell now~

The mouse which trying to destroy my carnivorous plant was killed once caught @ 11.45pm 18/07/13. My dad used some glue specialized 4 catching mouse with a bit of fish as the bait. hehehe... mouse... You won't escape... Reason for killing it: http://nobitatang.blogspot.com/2013/07/kesian-vft-n-sundew.html

Thursday 18 July 2013

Kesian VFT n sundew

I was wondering y my sundew's flower broken accidentally yesterday n I thought that somebody was breaking it but now I know all is the mouse's fault!!! I heard some noise last night n I found that something is knocking my house door n finally I realize that it was a mouse biting my door. Damn mouse! So now for sure all my carnivorous plant was hurt because of the mouse! I hate u mouse!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

5 Stars Organic Fertilizer

5 Stars Pure Organic Fertilizer N3% P1% K2% Ca+TE. As it is 40kg, I think I can use it for my plant about another 2-3 years ady :)

Monday 15 July 2013

Saturday 13 July 2013

My 2 new n free baby nepenthes~

I had transferred them into bigger pot. Suspected to be N. Mirabilis var globosa & N. Rafflesiana.

Awaiting blossom of Drosera Capilliaris "Long Arm Form"

Drosera can catch the insects and digest them by using a layer sticky juice (enzyme) secreted by itself. The nutrient then absorbed.

Thursday 11 July 2013

栽种食虫植物的基本准备-- 正确观念的建立

From: http://www.exoticaplants.com/database/cps/knowledge/step1.htm



如果要种好食虫植物就要先建立正确的观念,之后再来研究如何种,这样可以事半功倍.寻遍网路上的资讯,发现Nepenthes University关于猪笼草栽种的要点,十分值得我们参考.因此在这里列出12点栽种食虫植物的忌诲,供大家作参考.

第一,不要眼高手低,一开始就去种一些美丽诱人的高地猪或其它时虫植物,如N. rajah, Drosera regia和眼镜蛇瓶子草等.因为最后你得到的不是一个个吐信的眼镜蛇,或是骇人的老鼠杀手,而是惨痛的挫折与金钱上的浪费.尝试从比较好种,比较常见的品种开始种起,像花市常见的猪笼草,小毛毡苔及捕蝇草等,从栽种的过程里累积经验,慢慢的讨战高难度的食虫植物.

第二,不要没有作功课就到处乱问问题,这会造成别人对你的反感,认为你是个懒惰的家伙.像为何猪笼草的盖子不会盖起来,或是N. ampullaria是高地猪还是低地猪之类的问题.不是我们很跩,不屑回答​​这些问题,而是这些问题只要透过网路搜寻或是在BBS的精华区里都可以找到,你只要打几个字,左键按一下,答案就出现了.如果你查询过,也读过这些资料,你还是有疑问的话,不要害怕人家笑你,把你的问题提出来,这样大家会很乐意回答你的问题,因为你努力过了.






第八,不要太过相信一些过期的资讯.在过去也有一些翻译自日本,有关食虫植物的书籍,这些年代久远的书,拿来当装饰品不错,但不要把里面的东西都信以为真,因为有些资讯是错的.如果有人一手拿一本古老的中文翻译版的食虫植物书籍跟你谈,我想对于他讲的内容你要打个折扣.目前可以买到最好的参考书是' Savage Garden',有人看到英文就却步,但是这一本书后面有关于每一种食虫植物的栽培要点,花点时间查字典,会对你有所帮助的.至于麦志景那一本不推荐大家看,因为他里面有些食虫植物都还是小苗,让人怀疑他是否真的种过.

第九,不要经常把玩食虫植物. 食虫植物不是豆盆栽,更不是含羞草.他们不是供人把玩的,他们跟国兰一样适合远观,不适合把玩.尤其是捕蝇草,一天到玩玩他的夹子,会造成夹子的枯死与植珠的衰弱.而猪笼草随意的移动会影响他们的生长.如果你爱你的食虫植物,请不要把玩他们.


第十一,不要种你家会放不下的食虫植物.有些食虫植物的植株非常大,像是N. bicalcarata可以单叶长60cm,这时你可能要有一个高湿又高温的大空间可以摆他.或着是太阳瓶子草,植株高度可以超过60cm的比比皆是,但是你有这么大的冰箱种吗?如果没有就不要玩他们,避免以后因空间不足而苦恼.

第十二,不要因为植物的死亡而气馁.在种植食虫植物的过程,一定多少会发生植物死亡的事情,即使你做了许多的调查与研究.没有人没种死过食虫植物,只是数量上的问题.其实再发生植物死亡的情况时,最重要的是去探求死亡的原因,记取教训.*本文参考Nepenthes University内容翻译与改写.

My first VFT / Dionaea Muscipula 'Typical Form'

This is my first Dionaea Muscipula 'Typical Form'~  Bought it with some Nepenthes' seeds with the moss XD

Thursday 4 July 2013

Finally I get my seeds of Nepenthes & Venus Flytrap n How I plant it

These are the seed of Nepenthes n Venus Flytrap, I jz get it from my previous order from ebay... Very reliable seed seller~ Have a look~